This post was originally featured on Entrepreneur Fear of failure is natural. In entrepreneurship, overcoming your fears is essential. Everybody enjoys a success story. Vicariously living out our fantasies through those who achieved success gives us hope it will happen to us. But, listening to these stories doesn't do us ...
This post was originally featured on ScoreNYC A lot of folks have the entrepreneurial spirit. Yet many never see it through. According to a Gallup survey, potential entrepreneurs don’t take the plunge for a variety of reasons. They worry about a steady income, lack personal savings, or fear failure. A staggering 49% say ...
Pasting your name on your company may seem like genius, but the potential pitfalls are bottomless. This post was originally featured on Image credit: Rawpixel Ltd | Getty Images We all know that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but that doesn’t stop any of us from doing it. A company’s name is ...
This post was originally featured on What I love about the real estate business is that each new property presents unique challenges to learn and grow. This is especially true in New York, where every building has its own way to inspire. Sometimes it’s just marveling at a beautiful piece of ...