Hands-on leadership isn’t easy. But you can see your vision all the way through without discouraging your team. This post was originally featured on Entrepreneur.com Image credit: Thomas Barwick | Getty Images When we use the phrase “micromanaging” we’re usually visualizing a leader who should have their eyes on the ...
Staying focused on whatever is the next thing gets you nowhere without a plan. Preparation and analysis are key for any business leader. This post was originally featured on Entrepreneur.com Image credit: Pinkypills | Getty Images This past spring, the Fyre Festival was touted as the most luxurious music gathering ever put ...
This post was originally featured on HuffingtonPost.com As an owner of a family business, you’ve probably heard all sorts of pessimistic predictions. Some say that most small businesses never reach $1 million in sales. Others will tell you that 70% of family businesses fail. But if you’re going to succeed, you ...
This post was originally featured on Entrepreneur.com Image credit: PeopleImages | Getty Images When I was first starting out in real estate, I had a lot of passion, and I thought I knew what I was doing. But let’s face it, I was bound to make some mistakes along the way. But the great thing about mistakes is that when you ...